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Olympic Flame New Zealand
Motion Health Massey University PhysioSponsor
Motion Health Massey University Physio Icon
Book online for your Free Initial Assessment with Motion Health Massey University Physiotherapy. Suffering from back pain, neck pain, flexibility, mobility issues? Our qualified practitioners use the latest clinical & physio equipment to develop a personal treatment plan for you to achieve lasting results.
+64 9-414 6972 | View ProfileAlbany,Auckland 0632, New Zealand
Robert Street ClinicSponsor
Robert Street Clinic Icon
Robert Street Clinic Ltd is established in 2010. They provide various services to their patients or clients like counselling services, marriage counselling, psychotherapy and psychiatry in Auckland. People seek advice from psychiatrist because of depression, relationship difficulties, loss and distress. Robert Street Clinic Ltd has psychiatrists, psychologist and psychotherapists who are well experienced and use very effective method to cure any mental health problem like depression, stress and mental disorder.
09 973 5950 | View ProfileAuckland, Auckland New Zealand
Radius CareSponsor
Radius Care Icon
Radius Care is a New Zealand owned and operated company that specialises in delivering the very best levels of Rest Home and Private Hospital care for our elderly population and our young disabled who require special care. We also provide health care products and items like wheel chairs, shower stools.
64 93041670 | View ProfileAuckland, New Zealand
Keith Nelson - Freemans Bay & Ponsonby DentistSponsor
Keith Nelson - Freemans Bay & Ponsonby Dentist Icon
Auckland, Freemans Bay and Ponsonby Dentist. Keith Nelson & Associates provides dentistry & orthodontics also Invisalign for your whole family, from infancy to adulthood.
6493780877  | View ProfileAuckland, Auckland New Zealand
Budget PharmacySponsor
Budget Pharmacy Icon
We are one of the best and renowned online store for selling medicines and healthcare products across New Zealand and Australia.
96208599 | View ProfileAuckland, Auckland New Zealand
The Silent TreatmentSponsor
The Silent Treatment Icon
Snoring happens because of the relaxation of two muscles, the tongue and the muscle which controls the lower jaw. When they relax, gravity takes over and the tongue, which is attached to the lower jaw, moves back until it contacts the soft palate to partially or completely block the airway. With partial blocking, as air is forced past the blockage the soft palate vibrates producing the familiar snoring noise.If the airway is blocked completely the sufferer stops breathing altogether until the need for air actually wakes him or her from sleep. This is known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a condition so serious it is known to affect the sufferer's general health to the point of significantly shortening his or her lifespan. The good folk at the highly respected Mayo Clinic in Minnesota believe (and are in the process of proving) that people who die in their sleep do so as a direct result of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
0800 255 446 | View ProfileAuckland, New Zealand
Asanté HealthSponsor
Asanté Health Icon
Asanté Health is an ACC registered facility with trained primary health care providers, who use the best conventional and natural therapies that aim to address the causes of disease and ill health rather than just treating symptoms. We provide tailored care for individuals of all ages - from newborns to the elderly, families and athletes. We believe in empowering people to take control of their health and place a focus on prevention and wellness. 
204 063 6889 | View ProfileAuckland, Eden Terrace New Zealand
Quitsnoring SolutionSponsor
Quitsnoring Solution Icon
The Silent Treatment, stop snoring solutions & tongue trainer device is uniquely designed to allow complete control over the position in which the tongue is held.
+642102735600 | View ProfileAuckland, Avondale New Zealand
Urinary Tract Infection Treatment (UTI)Sponsor
Urinary Tract Infection Treatment (UTI) Icon
A urinary tract infection(UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system. Doctors typically treat urinary tract infection with antibiotics.
64 9 8891250 | View ProfileAuckland, Rosedale New Zealand
Gulf Harbour HealthcareSponsor
Gulf Harbour Healthcare Icon
The affordable option to improve the health and well being of our clients through professional and unwavering support for the rest of their lives – we at Gulf harbour Healthcare are there for you!
02041315247 | View Profileauckland, Auckland New Zealand
Pure HcgSponsor
Pure Hcg Icon
Pure hCG believe in using the best, pure & natural hcg diet drops and our exclusive protocol that will help you to work with your body to find the person on the inside.
0800 777 848 | View ProfileAuckland, North Island New Zealand
ECP TherapySponsor
ECP Therapy Icon
ECP Australasia are currently treating and working with various professional sporting franchises, elite high performance athletes, medical centres, physiotherapists, corporations, gym facilities and various other complimentary businesses.
View ProfileAuckland, Auckland New Zealand
Nutritional Cleansing NZSponsor
Nutritional Cleansing NZ Icon
Nutritional Cleansing is New Zealand's leading online retailer of Isagenix products. We sell a full selection of Isagenix Health products and supplements, for Weight loss, Energy and Performance and Healthy Aging. This Includes the 30-Day cleanse (Weight loss system), 30-Day Energy System, 30-Day Healthy Ageing System and A whole lot more. We understand that everyone has different diet requirements and that is why we cater to all if you are Dairy-free or Gluten-free or just enjoy the lifestyle of being a vegetarian or Vegan we have a range of products to meet your needs.
027-625-5076 | View ProfileAuckland, New Zealand
Sea LegsSponsor
Sea Legs Icon
Sea Legs is specially formulated to provide effective relief for all the family whether travelling by car, plane, boat or coach. Taken the previous night or an hour before travelling they will help prevent sickness.
View ProfileAuckland, New Zealand
Dentspa Icon
We are redefining faces through Dentistry & Facial Aesthetics. Our full face approach to dentistry and beauty ensures that you will have optimal oral health and feel confident in your appearance. We are focused on improving your overall health, optimal facial functioning and giving you more confidence in your appearance through our Dentistry and Facial Aesthetic Services.
09 534 4773 | View ProfileAuckland, Auckland New Zealand
Www.lifeenergysolutions.comSponsor Icon
Electromagnetic radiation is certainly affecting our health more than anything else today. Unbiased scientific studies show that this radiation is causing us serious harm. We need emf protection from the 100 million times more electromagnetic radiation (EMF) than that of our grandparents’ generation.
+64 9 833 1077 | View ProfileAuckland, Auckland New Zealand
Fastbraces Icon
Treatment Provided by - Licensed Fastbraces Master Provider Dentist.
View ProfileAuckland, New Zealand
Lance West Limited - Oral Surgeon AucklandSponsor
Lance West Limited - Oral Surgeon Auckland Icon
Dr Lance West is an Auckland-based oral and maxillofacial surgeon specializing in corrective jaw surgery and dental implants. They practice a wide range of oral and maxillofacial procedures and has over 30 years of experience in the specialty.
09 5206223 | View ProfileAuckland City, Auckland New Zealand
David WrSponsor
Garcinia Cambogia NZ - Buy Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract in NZ Icon
''Garcinia Cambogia Extract Pills NZ After incredible success of Garcinia Cambogia extract all through world, there has been more than a noteworthy bang in consumption of Garcinia Cambogia weight loss supplements NZ wide. The miraculous weight loss pills have already helped millions of NZns to fruitfully achieve their weight loss objectives and get into ideal shape.''
1300-423-456 | View ProfileAuckland City, Auckland New Zealand
The Chinese HypnotistSponsor
The Chinese Hypnotist Icon
The Chinese hypnotist, Haiming Jiang’s show, appears to audiences of all ages, and can be tailer-made to suit the specific requirement of the client from corporate, conference or club, to school fund raisers and private events. He has entertained thousands of audiences from different countries.
09-478 7783 | View ProfileBrowns Bay, Auckland New Zealand
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