Estonia |
UuskasutuskeskusSponsor |
Uuskasutus on asjade korduskasutamine (re-use) või kasutatud asjale uue väärtuse ja kasutuseesmärgi andmine (re-design). Kui taaskasutuse (recycling) puhul peetakse eelkõige silmas pakendite, paberi ja muude esemete ümbertöötlemist toormaterjaliks, siis uuskastususe eesmärk on asja kasutusaja pikendamine või tema väärtuse suurendamine. |
View ProfileTalinn, Estonia |
Brands AddictedSponsor |
Brandsaddicted.com store is a website that offers a curated selection of luxury products from various high-end brands. These stores typically specialize in a particular category, such as fashion, accessories, and offer a range of items from different designers or labels. Some of the benefits of shopping at a multi-brand store include a wide range of product options, access to multiple high-end brands, and the convenience of shopping from home. |
View ProfileTatari, Tallinn Estonia |
JivsportSponsor |
Jivsport is a premium sports clothing brand exclusively designed for women. Our goal is to provide high-quality, stylish, and comfortable sportswear that women can wear with confidence during their active lifestyle. |
View ProfileTallin, Estonia |